Sunday, December 29, 2019

Childhood Obesity And Its Effects - 990 Words

Childhood Obesity has quadrupled in the last thirty years, and the number of children with obesity related diseases and health conditions reflect that. More and more Kids are developing what would be considered adult health conditions like osteoporosis, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, and cardio vascular diseases, which usually only affect people later in life. Kids are not only developing adult diseases, they are physically becoming adults. If you were to compare a obese 10 year old DNA to their adult parents or grandparents you could not tell which sample came from whom, their cells show inflammatory and oxidative damage that is usually the result of a much longer, often indulgent life. Their very DNA is aging Dr. James Kirkland; director of the Kogod Center on Aging at the Mayo Clinic says â€Å"It’s looking more and more like obesity does some things that might just be tied to the fundamental aging processes,† says. Worse, Kirkland says, that like cancer, the dama ge fat cells do to surrounding cells seems to be contagious, with other, otherwise unaffected cells aging along with the damaged ones (Park). It is estimated that the difference between being obese and being of healthy weight is 8.8 years of extra aging per year, though this can vary based on genes and medical history. This premature aging is causing major problems for doctors. Millions of middle schoolers are prescribed medications that drug developers never intended for anyone under 40. Doctors have to faceShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Obesity On Childhood Obesity Essay1953 Words   |  8 Pagesfind out what has caused or what the leading factors to obesity are. Researchers are currently still doing research to find out what causes or what may be the lead to obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which considers a child to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex. (Rendall., Weden, Lau, Brownell, Nazarov Fernandes, 2014). Obesity is on a rise in the Unites States and all over the worldRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects Essay1049 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood obesity is at an all-time high in the United States and should be a major concern for the nation. With childhood obesity steadil y rising, it is imperative that actions be implemented to offset this trend. Childhood obesity places children at a significantly higher risk for a multitude of physical and psychological health concerns. It is important to understand the actions that have been set in motion that attempt to resolve this issue. Additionally, it should be determined if these actionsRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects1551 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity has become an epidemic in our nation. Currently, more than one in six American children is obese, which is three times the rate as that of the 1970s [1]. Obesity contributes significantly to cardiovascular disease, different types of cancers, as well as diabetes. About 70% of obese children/adolescents have at least one risk factor for heart disease, such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension, and almost 40% of obese youths have at least two additional risk factors. Increase in ratesRead MoreChildhood Obesity and Its Effect1260 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity is considered to be a serious issue among our youth. Obesity can cause many types of physical problems, which most are aware of, but it can also cause some undesirable internal feelings within children and adolescents who suffer from it. Self-esteem, or self-worth, is important as it helps develop personality and is a major ingredient to our mental health status (Wang, F. and Veugelers, P. J., 2008). Some have said obesity may even have a negative effect on cognitive developmentRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects894 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood obesity, a monstrous disease that grabs the attention of its victims so effortlessly, is a frightening concern among many. Childhood obesity is a condition in which a child is extremely overweight for their particular age group. This disease has rapidly increased its victims by luring them in with mouth-watering advertisements, pleasurable menu items and amusement. To cause matters to become increasingly d etrimental to their health, technology has been introduced to kids at particularlyRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Childhood Obesity1866 Words   |  8 PagesObesity is not an unfamiliar condition to the American population. Many researches, public health efforts, policies are focusing on obesity and specially on childhood focus in United States (Ogden, Carroll, Kit Flegal, 2014). Many institutions such as CDC with its National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Institute of Medicine and U.S. Department of Agriculrual and Food have provided recommendations, surveys and developed regulations for obesity (Ogden, Carroll, KitRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects Essay1782 Words   |  8 PagesChildhood obesity has increased drastically over the past years and has become a high health risk to children. In fact, childhood obesity has doubled in numbers in the past thirty years (Childhood Obesity Facts). Obesity occurs when an individual becomes overwe ight and doctor’s diagnose a patient by using the body mass index or BMI scale. Obesity causes many diseases in children which cannot be cured without a doctor, in result, childhood obesity drives high health care costs. Since little effortRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On Adolescents : Childhood Obesity1068 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Obesity on Adolescents Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health problems in the 21st century. According to PMC, the US Library of National Health and Medicine and National Institutes of Health, over 42 million children under the age of five are obese worldwide in 2010, and that number continues to ascend at an alarming rate. Obesity occurs when the body stores an excess amount of fat that is not necessary for the person’s survival. Some scientists have argued thatRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects1287 Words   |  6 Pagesother kids wear. Body image is everywhere you look. Obesity is defined as â€Å"Having a body mass index (BMI) above the normal range for age and sex in children† (Moglia, Dill, 2014). Obese children are subject to ridicule from peers, teachers, and sometimes even family. My five year old daughter is now bigger than her peers, weight and height wise. She has already come home from school with tears in her eyes because a classmate called her fat. H er obesity stems from a thyroid condition, but small childrenRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children1188 Words   |  5 Pageslink between childhood obesity and advertising. There has been a rise in childhood obesity in the past few years and many believe, and have evidence to support, that it is partly because of unregulated advertisements aimed towards children. The health of a child is very important childhood obesity is something to be concerned about. The definition of childhood obesity is: having a body mass index above the normal range for age and sex in children. The definition of childhood obesity may not sound

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Childhood Obesity And Its Effects On America - 1394 Words

Have you ever wondered what are the major causes of obesity? The CDC (2017) states that one out of every five children in the U.S. are overweight or obese, and this number is continuing to rise. Wilson (2016) states that many children who are obese develop health complications, such as joint, gallbladder, and sleeping problems. The majority of children who are obese as kids tend to be obese as adults. Reason being, many children develop bad eating habits by learning from their surroundings. When it comes to such an important topic as obesity there s not only one cause, but several causes of why obesity is such a huge problem in America. Childhood obesity has greatly increased over the years and there are three main causes that have caused†¦show more content†¦Back in 2016, Kenny and the other contributors evaluated the factors that affect children with obesity and how brain development plays a big role in learning. Kenny talks to teachers about child obesity and how those ch ildren function at school. Many teachers stated that children with obesity tend to develop learning difficulties. According to the 22 teachers interviewed, the majority concluded that those who were obese participated less due to low levels of self-esteem. Reason being, obesity leads to bullying, which turns into name calling; such as fat, ugly etc. Children with obesity tend to have low levels of physical activity due to poor nutrition. Children who have low levels of physical activity tend to develop more screen time rather than going outside and doing something productive; such as playing basketball or other physical activities. As technology evolves, more and more children become obese due to inactivity (Kenney, E.L., Redman, M.T., Criss, S., 2016). Causes When society talks about obesity, there s not only one cause but several causes of why obesity is caused at such a young age. First, family background, such as genetics plays a big part in childhood obesity and health. For example, if one or several individuals in the family suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, or other medical problems, there s a 50% chance the next generation will develop the same problem. Second, metabolism and knowing the rate at which theShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity Essay examples1472 Words   |  6 PagesForty years ago in America childhood obesity was rarely a topic of conversation. A survey done in the early 1970s showed that 6.1% of children between the ages 12 and 19 were overweight. Eight years later the same survey was done and 17.4% were considered overweight (Iannelli). â€Å"Childhood obesity epidemic in America is now a confirmed fact since the number of overweight or obese children has more than tripled during the last 30 yearsà ¢â‚¬  (Childhood Obesity Epidemic). â€Å"Over the last 20 years, the prevalenceRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Developing Problem1197 Words   |  5 PagesObesity in America is a developing problem, and not just in adults. Today, one in three American children and teens are either overweight or obese; almost triple the rate previously in 1963. Child obesity has expeditiously become one of the most genuine health challenges of the 21st century (â€Å"10 Surprising Facts About Childhood Obesity†). Physical inactivity, race, junk food in schools, the mass media, and the child’s parents flaws are all factors that have resulted in the prevalence of childhoodRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children1188 Words   |  5 Pageslink between childhood obesity and advertising. There has been a rise in childhood obesity in the past few years and many believe, and have evidence to support, that it is partly because of unregulated advertisements aimed towards childre n. The health of a child is very important childhood obesity is something to be concerned about. The definition of childhood obesity is: having a body mass index above the normal range for age and sex in children. The definition of childhood obesity may not soundRead MoreChildhood Obesitiy Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesInformative Speech 1 Outline Childhood Obesity Planning Block General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of the importance of childhood obesity Central Idea: Childhood obesity is an epidemic that is sweeping across America and will continue to get worse unless the problem is faced head on. Introduction Hook: Introduce myself. Then start talking about the â€Å"Maury Povich† show when there are fat babies. Then talk about how they think it may be funny/cuteRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Obesity In America870 Words   |  4 PagesThe Centers of Disease Control and Prevention defines obesity as having a BMI over 30 (CDC). In the year 2000, roughly 30 percent of 20 year olds in America were obese. By 2003 that number had risen to 32 percent. That is a small window of increase. From the 1970s to the early 2000s, the percent of obese Americans doubled. This means that in 1970, only 15 percent of Americans were obese, and in the thirty years following, obesity took a sharp rise. In 1960, 13 percent of Americans were obese. TheRead MoreThe Effects Of Processed Food On Obesity1490 Words   |  6 Pages The Effects of Processed Food on Obesity Larry Liu Westview High School Everyday in America the average citizen consumes three to five pounds of food each day (Andrew). The question is â€Å"What exactly are they eating?† The most common food an American consumes is processed food. At least 70 percent of our calories we intake come from processed foods (Warner, 2013, XV). Yes, processed foods are convenient. However, people tend to overlook how much sugar, sodium, and chemicals are inRead MoreApplying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process796 Words   |  4 Pageselements also help to define the uniqueness of the study. The article addresses the problem of childhood obesity, which is a significant issue in health care. The prevalence of obesity during childhood is on the increase across various parts of the globe, especially in the United States. Childhood obesity is associated with multiple chronic health conditions, including premature death during adulthood. The childhood health problem is promoted by the modern environment, which encourages overeating of foodsRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effect On Children s Wellbeing And Health999 Words   |  4 PagesChildhood obesity is described as a condition whereby excessive body fat interferes or affects child’s wellbeing and health. The condition is often diagnosed based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) since it is considerably difficult to determine the body fat directly. This condition is now recognized as a serious issue requiring public health concern owing to the increased of its prevalence among the children. To avoid stigmatization, ove rweight is often used in children rather than obese (Ogden, 2014)Read MoreWhat Are The Largest Problems That Plague America? Essay1383 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the largest problems that plague America? Most would argue that issues such as mass hunger, climate change and poverty are the most prominent difficulties that the United States faces. While these things are important, and do have a great impact on the country, there is another large and often forgotten issue that faces America: childhood obesity. This nationwide problem is also directly harmful to the strength and conditioning industry. Physical education classes are failing to involveRead MoreWhy has Childhood Obesity Become a Paramount Problem in the United States?1609 Words   |  7 Pages According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, â€Å"Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years,† (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). The monumen tal question that researchers seem to be asking is why the increase now? Childhood obesity has become a paramount problem in the United States in recent years due to various social, biological and technological factors that ultimately requires immediate assistance in order to promote a healthier

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Development of Housing Finance in the Changing Business Scenario Free Essays

THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING FINANCE IN THE CHANGING BUSINESS SCENARIO Mr. P. S. We will write a custom essay sample on The Development of Housing Finance in the Changing Business Scenario or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ravindra** ABSTRACT Traditionally in India, most people used to depend on their provident fund and gratuity amounts received after retirement while considering buying a home. However, with the emergence of housing finance as a major business in the country, an increasingly large number of people are going for housing loans. The housing sector in India is facing an estimated shortage of 4. 1 crore houses and according to the Ninth Plan, the demand-supply gap in urban housing is 3. 3 crore houses. The industry comprises of nearly 383 housing finance companies although disbursements from only the leading 26 institutions are eligible for re-finance from National Housing Bank, which is the regulatory body for these companies. These Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) constitute nearly 95 % of the total disbursement by the industry . The tax exemption on the interest paid on housing loans has also been extended up to the year 2003. This move will benefit the salaried employees, especially the middle-class populace. A dream of providing 25 lakh rural houses has been envisaged in the budget. Out of these, 12 lakh houses will be built under the ‘India Awas Yojana’ and another one-lakh houses would be provided under the ‘Credit-cum-Subsidy’ scheme for families with an annual income below Rs. 32,000. Moreover, around 1. 5 lakh houses to be constructed under the ‘Golden Jubilee Rural Housing Finance Scheme’ will be eligible for refinance from the NHB. The industry is witnessing a boom at present boosted by the generous budget sops and rock bottom real estate prices. The demand is a result of genuine individual needs for housing. The prospects of the industry would be further strengthened on the amendments to the Rent Control Act and repealing of the controversial Urban Land Ceiling Act. This research paper focuses on the Demand for Housing sector, Market Profile, Market Trends, Price Sensitivity factors and outlook of Development of Housing Finance in the changing Business scenario. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ _________________nd Ceiling Act. _________________________________________________________ THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING FINANCE IN THE CHANGING BUSINESS SCENARIO Mr. P. S. Ravindra** Introduction Roti, Kapada aur Makaan are the three basic necessities of human beings. Traditionally in India, most people used to depend on their provident fund and gratuity amounts received after retirement while considering buying a home. However, with the emergence of housing finance as a major business in the country, an increasingly large number of people are going for housing loans. Incomes of families are rising and their purchasing capacity as well as loan repaying capacities is going up. Property prices are more or less on a stabilizing trend. A large number of home loan options are available. HFCs are becoming increasingly liberal. Interest rates have been progressively falling. The Government of India has been giving substantial encouragement to the housing sector. The social structure of the Indian families is going through a sea change as the joint family is fast giving way to the nuclear family concept. The pressure to have one’s own home is high among these families. Highlights †¢ Significantly, there has been no dearth of demand for housing and consequently for finances for the same have been abundant. †¢ Market dynamics play a pivotal role in determining the lending rates. Considering the same, the housing finance industry has been in a slump in recent times. †¢ The entry of banks into the housing finance sector has posed a serious threat to already existent players in the field. †¢ The housing sector is witnessing a clash between major players. Foremost amongst this is the ICICI and HDFC imbroglio. The later is giving sleepless nights to HDFC. †¢ Tax sops provided by the Government of India is a significant step towards upholding the future prospects of this industry. Sector Comments Nearly 25 lakh houses are built every year in India. However, the nation’s requirement is around 65 lakh houses per annum. The housing sector in India is facing an estimated shortage of 4. 1 crore houses and according to the Ninth Plan, the demand-supply gap in urban housing is 3. 3 crore houses. In case, all these urban housing dwellings were to be built, it would require an investment of Rs. 150,370 crore. Traditionally, the housing finance business has been yielding a margin of around 2 per cent. The skill of the players is in converting their advances that have a maturity period of 15-30 years with the deposits that mature within three years. Though, the National Housing Bank (NHB) refinances housing loan up to Rs. lakh disbursed to the lower income group, this is just a negligible proportion of advances to the major players. The primary sources of funds are fixed deposits, debentures, private placement of bonds and borrowings from banks and financial institutions. Thus, efficient financial management has a key role to play in this industry. Lending rates are predominantly market-driven and in view o f the same, the housing finance industry has been in a slump in recent times with there being low demand from builders and investors alike. Furthermore, the entry of banks into the housing finance sector has also not augured well for the industry. Most housing finance companies cater mainly to the higher income group having reasonably assured creditworthiness. In a scenario marked with the absence of speedy foreclosure regulations, most companies prefer to stay away from rural and the Low-Income Group   (LIG). However, it must be noted that demand for housing in the Middle-Income Group and High Income Group segments has also recorded a steady rise lately. Market profile The Indian housing finance sector is crowded with players of all sizes and nature: government organisations, insurance companies, banks, housing finance companies and co-operative organisations like HUDCO and NHB. Major players in the Industry are HDFC, LIC Housing Finance, Dewan Housing, Can Fin Homes, SBI Home Finance and Gujarat Rural Housing. The youngest entrant into the Industry, which is penetrating rapidly, is ICICI. Interestingly, both Can Fin Homes Limited and its parent Canara Bank are into housing finance. It is the same with quite a few banks, for example, SBI and SBI Home Finance Limited, Bank of Baroda and BOB Finance, Vysa Bank and Vysyabank Housing. Though HDFC and ICICI also have their banking arms, they compete with each other in personal loans, but not housing loans. The industry comprises of nearly 383 housing finance companies although disbursements from only the leading 26 institutions are eligible for re-finance from National Housing Bank, which is the regulatory body for these companies. These Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) constitute nearly 95 % of the total disbursement by the industry. However, owing to the slump in real estate market over the last few years, the industry posted a fairly low disbursement growth. Market trends The housing sector is witnessing a clash between major players. HDFC had ruled this sector with a lion’s stranglehold. It was smooth sailing for HDFC all these years and it seemed that its monopoly was there to stay forever. However, out of the blue emerged ICICI Home Loans, when this financial institution decided to clash arms with HDFC on its home front. Within a year of its launch, ICICI Home Loans is giving the industry leader, HDFC, sleepless nights. Undercutting in the interest rates is all in the game and so is every other trick in the book. HDFC is gathering its wits to beat its competitor at its own game. It launched an aggressive hoarding campaign designed in the style of ‘follow the leader’. HDFC has launched its website propertymartindia. com as a joint venture with the Mahindras. Following suit, ICICI too, launched its home portal indiahomeseek. com. So the war rages on both at the retail level and also in the form of a cyber war. ICICI has lowered its prime lending rates on short and medium term loans from 13 per cent to 12. 5 per cent. Thus, bringing the interest on housing loans at par with the foreign exchange loans. HDFC also reduced the interest rates on its housing loans from 13. 25 per cent to 13 per cent. It went an extra mile to woo the borrowers of loans up to Rs. crore by allowing them the facility to either opt for a fixed interest rate of 13 per cent or a floating interest rate of 12. 5 per cent. As the name indicates, a borrower opting for the first choice will have to repay the loan at an interest rate of 13 per cent irrespective of any future hike or cut in the rates. Those choosing the second option would be subject to the vagaries of the interest mar ket and may gain or lose in the bargain. The company has also reduced the interest on loans borrowed by non-resident Indians. These loans repayable within five years will attract an interest rate of 11. 5 per cent per annum while loans ith a term of 6-10 years will be charged interest at 12. 5 per cent. The above rates are under the fixed interest rate option. Similar floating rate loans would be charged at 5 per cent less interest. Originally, only the commercial banks offered housing loans on floating interest rates, now that HDFC is offering loans at a 12 per cent floating rate, ICICI also has a floating rate home loan in the pipeline. Price sensitivity factors †¢ Noteworthy fact here is that NHB refinance to the HFCs comprises a mere 7% of the loans disbursed. In other words, most HFCs have to arrange for a major part of the disbursals from their own resources. Thus, low spreads, mismatched asset and liability, competition posed by banks with recent regulations requiring commercial banks to invest 40 per cent of their advances towards the priority sector, etc. pose problems for the lending division. †¢ The first housing finance company to cut down its interest rate after RBI slashed the PPF interest rate by 1 per cent on January 14, 2000 was HUDCO. When the National Housing Bank, the refinancing agency of all housing finance companies, slashed its rates by up to 50 basis points, it triggered off a virtual interest war in the industry. HDFC, ICICI, LIC Housing Finance, PNB Housing Finance Limited and a host of others followed suit. In a game of one-upmanship, the companies have been vying with one another to offer the best deal in a rapidly growing market. †¢ CRISIL has forecast an increase in the interest rates in the second half of this year. This will be due to the demand of funds by the Centre and also the corporates exceeding the supply. The Central Government has projected a Rs. 31,000 crore higher borrowing this year than last year’s figure of Rs. 86,000 crore. The State Government borrowings would add up to a further Rs. 7,500 crore and the corporate demand would be higher by Rs. 11,000 crore. As compared with the supply, CRISIL expects the short fall to be around Rs. 15,800 crore. To make up this short fall, even if there is a 1 per cent cut in CRR, interest rates are still bound to increase. †¢ The Union Budget 2000-01 has given a shot in the arm to the industry by raising the exemption a pplicable to individual borrowers on the interest paid on housing loans to Rs. 1 lakh. The existing tax rebate of 20 per cent under section 88 of the Income tax Act of 1961, covered repayment of housing loans, subject to a maximum of Rs. 0,000. The same has now been doubled to Rs. 20,000. This, coupled with the lowering of the interest rate would enable a borrower to enjoy tax exemption upto a loan of Rs. 7. 5 lakh for a 15-year term. He can now have access to better tax planning options on account of the exemption and a lower Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) due to longer term of repayment. Furthermore, individuals who already own a house can now invest in a new house and yet claim exemption from capital gains on the sale of the asset. The tax exemption on the interest paid on housing loans has also been extended up to the year 2003. This move will benefit the salaried employees, especially the middle-class populace. A dream of providing 25 lakh rural houses has been envisaged in the budget. Out of these, 12 lakh houses will be built under the ‘India Awas Yojana’ and another one-lakh houses would be provided under the ‘Credit-cum-Subsidy’ scheme for families with an annual income below Rs. 32,000. Moreover, around 1. 5 lakh houses to be constructed under the ‘Golden Jubilee Rural Housing Finance Scheme’ will be eligible for refinance from the NHB. The industry has found new avenues such as securitisation, which are expected to be launched in the market very soon. This mechanism would require a pool of assets (mortgages), which would be sold by the HFCs to NHB. These assets in turn would act as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and would be sold as pass through certificates to investors, which initially would be from groups earning pension funds, mutual funds, financial institu tions, commercial banks and other trusts or institution which require monthly fixed income. The mortgages would be for loans up to a period of 10 years, on which HFCs would earn 16 % from borrowers. The spread is to be passed back to the concerned HFCs in the form of premium at purchase of mortgages or service charge over a period of time. It is expected that with the success of securitisation the circulation of funds would increase coupled with cash flows generated by these funds. Furthermore, a secondary market for mortgages would become feasible for HFCs. Outlook The industry is witnessing a boom at present boosted by the generous budget sops and rock bottom real estate prices. The demand is a result of genuine individual needs for housing. The prospects of the industry would be further strengthened on the amendments to the Rent Control Act and repealing of the controversial Urban Land Ceiling Act. Thus, the housing finance industry is on solid ground and has interesting prospects ahead. As for the small players, they will have to take the harsh decision to either exit the industry or merge with bigger entities. It is also amply clear that in the future, industry leader HDFC will have to share the spoils with the aggressive young turk – ICICI. Notwithstanding the competition, the customer has nothing to lose as he can choose the best loan scheme from the ICICI and HDFC fold, with minimum interest and a nil processing fee. Conclusion Despite the abovementioned factors, several bottlenecks still exist in the industry, which have to be taken care of before any of the above can bring about an improvement in the prospects of the industry. From an overall viewpoint demand for housing is ever rising and the same would be reflected on the demand for funds. Hence, the profitability of the industry should commence on the positive track in the future. Now housing finance products are at par with other consumer goods, where use of all marketing mix has become necessary for the banks to attract and retain customers. References 1. Basu D. N and Mehta V. K. , 1993. Housing Finance System India, Urban India, XIII, (1) January-June: 36-50. 2. Manoj P. K. 2004. Dynamics of housing finance in India, 3. Vora P. P 2002. The Indian housing finance system, Housing Finance Investment. 15(Jan): 18-25. 4. Nambirajan, R, 2001. Home Loans and Tax benefits, Indian Infrastructure, May, pp. 42-43. http://www. indianloans. com http://www. indiainvest. com http://www. lichousing. com * * * * * How to cite The Development of Housing Finance in the Changing Business Scenario, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Prepare to Meet Your God free essay sample

Prepare to meet your God! The Kingdoms of Heaven Hell, and the Return of CHRIST by Angelica Zambrano For a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ. She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures children to satan. She witnessed many of our esteemed cultural icons suffering in the Pit; singers, entertainers, and even a pope. Angelica was also shown how the Kingdom of Heaven is all wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place, where no evil exists. Though Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many of Gods children will NOT be ready on that day, and will be left behind in a world that will fall apart. www. DivineRevelations. info/23 (From video Interview, originally in Spanish, Minimally Abridged, Location: El Empalme, Ecuador. ) Maxima (the Mother): My name is Maxima Zambrano Mora and we attend the Casa de Oracion Church in El Empalme. We were fasting for 15 days, and crying out to God. My daughter Angelica also joined us. During those fifteen days of fasting, I was able to see beyond the natural, which Ive never done before. We were praying and fasting at the retreat, and even continued praying and crying out at home, waiting for God to speak to us. The Lord gave us much encouragement. Because of our trials, we were often ready to give up, but the Lord was there to help us. He gave us Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not. My daughter had been emphatically requesting that from Lord, though I didnt know it at the time. Angelica (The daughter): My name is Angelica Elizabeth Zambrano Mora. I am 18, and study at the Colegio Jose Maria Velazco Ibarra, here at El Canton, El Empalme, Ecuador. I first accepted Christ when I was 12, but I told myself, None of my friends were evangelicals and I felt strange amongst them, so I walked away from God, and lived a bad, terrible life. But God pulled me out of there. On, my 15th Birthday, I was reconciled to the Lord, but I was still 1 double-minded. The Bible says (James 1:8), A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and I was one of those persons. My dad would say, You dont have to be like that, it looks awful, its wrong, but I would reply, This is the way I am, and how I want to be, nobody has to tell me how I should be, nor what I should do, nor how I should dress, or behave. He would respond, God is going to deal with you. He is going to change you. During my 17 birthday, I came closer to the Lord. On April 28th I came to Him and said, Lord, I feel so bad, I know that Im a sinner, and I told Him how I felt. Lord, forgive me. I want You to write my name in the Book of Life and to accept me as Your child. I repented and gave back my life to the Lord. I said, Lord, I want You to change me, to make a difference in me. I cried with all my heart, asking the Lord to change me. But, as time passed by I felt no change. The only difference was that I began to attend church, to read the Bible and to pray. That was the only change in my life. Then, in August, I was invited to fast for 15 days. I decided to join, but before entering I said, Lord, I want you to deal with me here. During the fast, the Lord was speaking to almost everybody, except me! It was as if the Lord had not seen me, and that hurt. I would pray, Lord, arent You going to deal with me? I would cry alone and continue, Lord, do You love me? Are You here? Are You with me? Why dont You speak to me like You do to everyone else. You speak so many things to other people, even words of prophecy, but not me. I asked for a sign that He was with me, and the Lord gave me Jeremiah 33:3, Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. I said, Lord, did You just talk to me? † Because I heard His audible voice and had a vision of the words written in Jeremiah 33:3. I said, Lord, is that for me? I kept it to myself, while everyone else was testifying what the Lord had given them and what they had seen. But I kept it secret and would only meditate on the words: Call unto Me means to pray, but what did great and mighty things mean? I thought, This can only mean heaven and hell. So I said, Lord, I only want You to show me heaven, but not hell, because Ive heard that it is a horr ible place. But I then prayed with all my heart, Lord if it is Your will to show me what You must, then do so, but change me first. I want You to make a difference in me; I want to be different. When we finished fasting, there were trials and difficulties and sometimes I felt faint, unable to continue walking with the Lord. But He gave me strength. I started to hear His voice and know Him better. We became good friends. The Lord is our best friend, the Holy Spirit. I told Him, Lord, You are my best friend. I want to know You better, and shared all my thoughts with Him. I prayed during all of August and then in November, a servant of the Lord came to our house and said, May the Lord bless you. I replied, Amen. He then said, I am here to bring you a message from God ou must prepare yourself, because the Lord will show you great and mighty things which you do not know. He is going to show you Heaven and Hell because you have been asking, from Jeremiah 33:3. I asked, Yes, how did yo u know? I havent told that to anyone. He responded, The same God that you serve and praise, that very same God I also praise told me everything. 2 Soon we began to pray. Some sisters from our church, and others from my family were there with us praying. But as soon as we started praying, I began to see the Heavens opened. So I said, I see the Heavens are opening, and 2 angels are coming down! The man said, Ask them why they are here. They were tall and beautiful; with beautiful wings. They were large and shining, and seemed transparent, brilliant as gold. They wore crystal sandals and had on holy garments. Why are you here? They smiled and said, We are here because we have a task to carry out We are here because you must visit Heaven and Hell and we will not leave until all of this comes to pass. I responded, â€Å"very well, but I only want to visit heaven, not hell. They smiled, and stayed there, but did not say anything more. After we finished prayer, I could still see the m there. I also started to see the Holy Spirit; He is my best friend; He is Holy, He is omniscient; He is omnipresent! I could see Him, transparent and brilliant at the same time; with a brilliant countenance, I could see His smile and His loving gaze! I can hardly describe Him, because He is more beautiful than angels. The angels have their own beauty, but the Holy Spirit is far more beautiful than they are! I could hear His audible voice, a voice full of love, a passionate voice. I just cant explain His voice; a voice like lightening, yet at the same time He would say, I am with you. so I would strive to continue walking with God, even as trials surrounded us. We were going through very difficult moments, but victorious ones at the same time. I said, Lord, let Your will be done. I continued to notice the angels even at school, and in my classes. I was so happy, so full of joy because I could actually see them! The servant of the Lord, who visited my house, told me to prepare myself, becaus e I was going to see Heaven and Hell. But he also told me something difficult. He said, You are going to die. It wasnt easy when I heard this. How am I going to die? Im so young, I asked. He replied, Dont worry about anything, everything God does is perfect, and He will bring you back to life, so you can testify about Heaven and Hell, which is what the Lord wants all of us to know about. I said, Amen, but will I be run over by a car, how will I die? Ideas came rushing into my mind, but the Lord told me not to worry, everything was under control. I said, Thank You, Lord! On November 6th, after I returned home from school, the Angels were still with me, even while praising the Lord. They would not speak to me; all they would say was, Holy, Holy, Holy, Hallelujah, giving glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit was there along with the angels and I would rejoice. Many people say that the gospel is boring, but that is a big lie from the devil to keep people from searching for Gods presence. I also used to believe this, but after I met the Lord and the Holy Spirit, I know the gospel is not boring, it is the most beautiful experience you can have on Earth! I could see; play with, and even talk to the Holy Spirit. But the angels would not talk to me, but they would praise the Lord. I would say, Holy Spirit come along with me to do this or that and He would be there. I could feel and see Him. 3 I saw Him when He would rise to His feet, and would even prepare a seat for Him. Although many cant see Him, He is here! That relationship has continued, theres no reason to stop it, once youve experienced it†¦theres no way that I would withdraw. When I consider where He pulled me out from, what I was before, I am so thankful for His mercy, for all His love toward humanity and toward me! On November 7th, when I was returning home, I heard a voice that said, Be prepared, for you will die today, I knew it was the Holy Spirit because I could see Him. I ignored His voice and said, Lord, I dont want to die today! But He repeated, Be prepared, for you will die today! This time He said it louder and with greater force. I replied, Lord, I know its You talking to me; I only ask for a confirmation and after that, do with me as You will. Ill do whatever You ask, Ill surrender, even if Im afraid, because I know You are with me and You are real. I prayed, Let that person you used before, bring me the message. Let him be at my home this instant, before I arrive, and let him tell me that today I will die. Now, somehow the Lord knows our past, present and future. He knew what I would request of Him. So when I arrived home, the servant of the Lord was already there. Maxima: When my daughter got home, we were in the kitchen. When Angelica saw the servant of the Lord, she said, May the Lord bless you. The man of God responded, God bless you. Are you ready? For today is the day that the Lord will take you, at 4 PM. She just stood there, asto nished that the Lord had granted her request. Angelica: When I heard this I said, Amen but I dont want to die, I cant die! No, Lord, Im afraid, very much afraid, terrified! The servant of the Lord said, â€Å"Lets pray that your fear will leave now in the name of our Lord. I said, Amen and we prayed. Soon I felt all fear leave me, and an indescribable joy came, thinking that death was the best thing that could happen to me! I started to smile and laugh while everyone was looking at me. They could all see that I went from being dismal to joyful. I was smiling, jumping and singing. Maxima: My daughter instantly felt joy in her heart and started eating. She had a little bit of everything, saying, If I dont return, well Ive eaten and Im full. 4 Angelica: Everyone started laughing and asked, Why are you behaving like this instead of being sad, youre happy, youre joyful? I told them, Of course: Im going to see the Lord, Im going to be with Him, but I dont know if Ill be coming back so I want to give away all my things. They all stared at me and asked, Youre going to give away all your belongings? My Moms eyes were wide open in surprise! Maxima: My daughter started giving her things away. She gave everything away, everything! Our church sisters were with us, as usual, and she gave something to every one of them. When I questioned her intentions, she said, If I return, they can give everything back to me, but if I dont come back, then they can keep everything. Angelica: I can imagine how sad my Mom must have felt when I said that. But I felt so happy, that I started giving everything away: my clothes, my bed, my cell phone, everything, with one condition: If I come back, everything must be returned to me. They all started laughing. Maxima: She was very determined, but as a mother I felt so much sorrow. It wasnt easy. I wondered, Lord when the moment comes, how will it be? I couldnt understand. As they started praying, I was arranging thing in the house. They said, â€Å"sister, come lets pray. But I replied, You go on, I will join you shortly. Just let me finish this task. Angelica: They were all observing me as we prayed. I prayed, Lord, I want to do Your will. Youre not a man that You would lie or repent, I know You are real. If I am going to fail You, then its best if You just take me with You; but If I am going to do Your will, then bring me back, but help me say the truth, prepare me, help me to preach and to tell people to repent. That was my shortest prayer. I told this to the servant of the Lord and said, Dont tell my Mom what I said to the Lord. He replied, I wont tell her now, but once the Lord has taken you, Ill tell her. We continued praying and came together in a prayer circle. Maxima: At 3:30 PM, the Lord told His servant to anoint my daughter. So some of us went into the room and anointed her. He gave us two minutes to anoint her all over, from her hair down, everything, all her body. She was fully anointed. 5 Death Angelica: My Mom and another church sister, Fatima Navarrete, anointed me with oil. But as they were anointing me, I felt something covering me, like a glass that was surrounding me. Its hard to explain, I felt covered with something like armor, and I couldnt explain how I was covered. After that, when they tried to touch me, they no longer could. Maxima: As we were praying over Angelica, I was trying to lay my hands on her, but I couldnt touch her! She had some type of covering around her. It was strange, nobody could touch her! This covering started at the top of her head to her feet, about 30cm (12 inches). That was what shocked me the most. Ive lay my hands on people before, in service to the Lord, but something like this had never happened before! I said, Oh, something must be happening, and I started to pray and to give thanks to the Lord. Suddenly, I felt great joy. The sorrow in my heart was gone, the pain was gone, and I now felt joyful and happy! We continued praying and about at 4:00 PM, my daughter fell to the floor. Angelica: During prayer, I felt shortness of breath; I couldnt breathe. I felt a pain in my abdomen and in my heart. I felt my blood going dormant, and tremendous pain all over my body. All I could say was, Lord, give me strength, give me strength! because I felt I couldnt go on. I had no strength, it was leaving me! When I looked up to heaven, in the spiritual realm, not with my physical eyes, I saw heaven opening up. I saw angels, not two nor ten, but millions of them gathering together. In the midst of the millions of angels, I saw a Light, 10,000 times brighter than the sun. And I said, Lord that is You who is coming! Maxima: When she fell down, we tried to stand her up, but she was unable to stand on her own. At this time, we were able to touch her. She was saying, Pray. I dont have strength, Mommy, I dont have strength and I feel pain. First, she felt pain in her heart, and then it went down near her abdomen. We kept on praying and pleading with the Lord. The Lord took her life! Never before in my life had I seen anybody die. I had to see my daughter, as she was agonizing! It was not easy at all! I couldnt understand her last few words, and at the end she stopped. I placed my hand on her face, and a mirror to her mouth, to see if she was breathing. She had no breath, she just stood still. I held her, 6 she was still warm, as normal. I took a sheet and covered her up, and in a short while she started to get cold, very cold. Her hair was set back, like the hair of a dead person, and she turned icy cold. Angelica: Jesus was coming down, and I felt my body dying. As Jesus and the Angels got closer, I felt I was leaving, that I was no longer me. I was no longer alive, I was dying, and it was agonizing! When my body fell to the floor, they were already here. My house was full of angels, and in the midst of the angels I saw a Light, stronger than the sun! It was very difficult; I felt tremendous pain, as my soul and spirit were being torn away. I was crying and screaming, as I saw my body on the floor. I asked, Lord, what is happening? What is happening? I wanted to touch my body and get inside it again, but when I tried, it was like to grabbing air: I couldnt touch it. My hand went straight through it. None of those who were praying there could hear me! And I shouted, Lord, help me! Maxima: My husband arrived while we were praying, and he saw her there. The Lord gave me strength at that moment because I didnt know what to do. It was like she was in a coma, but I knew she was OK, because it was the Lords work. So I said Lord, let Your will be done. The Lord Jesus Christ Angelica: At that moment I hear the Lords voice, a beautiful voice with thunder and love, Fear not, Daughter, for I am Jehovah, Your God, and I have come here to show you what I have promised you. Arise, for I am Jehovah, who holds you by your right hand and tells you, Fear not, I will help you. Suddenly, I arose. I had been kneeling down, looking at my body, wanting to get back in but not being able to. When I heard His voice, fear had left me, and I was no longer scared. As I started walking, the angels began to open a path. There was a strong light shining, and as I gazed at it, I felt peace. As I looked, I saw a beautiful, tall, elegant, muscular man. Light was projecting from Him. There was too much light for me to see His face! But I could see His beautiful hair of brilliant gold and a white garment with a wide golden girdle that crossed His chest. It read, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. I looked at His feet, He was wearing shiny golden sandals, of brilliant gold. He was so beautiful! He extended His hand to me. When I took His hand, it wasnt like when I touched my body, my hand did not go through it. I asked, What is happening? And He said, I am going to show you hell, so that you return and tell humanity that hell is real; that hell exists. And also, 7 My glory will I show you, for you to tell My people to be prepared, for My glory is real and I am real. He said, Daughter, do not fear- He said it again and I said, Lord, its just that I want to go to heaven, but not hell, because Ive heard that its horrible! He said, Daughter, I will be with you. I will not leave you in that place and I am going to show you that place because there are many who know that hell exists, but they have no fear. They believe its a game, that hell is a joke, and many dont know about it. That is why I am going to show you that place, because there are more that perish than those that are entering My glory. When He said that, I could see tears streaming down to His garments. I asked Him, Lord, why are you crying? He replied, Daughter, because there are more that perish, and I will show you this, so that you will go and tell the truth and so that you will not return to that place. Hell Suddenly, as He was speaking, everything started to move. The Earth shook and split open, and I saw a very dark hole below. We were standing on a sort of rock with angels surrounding us. I said, Lord, I dont want to go to that place! He said, Daughter, do not fear for I am with you. In a split second we descended into the dark hole. I tried to see but there was a terrible darkness. I did see a huge circle, and hear millions of voices. I was so hot, I felt my skin burning. I asked, Lord, what is this? I dont want to go to this place! The Lord said that this was just the tunnel to hell. There was a horrible, repulsive and nauseating smell, and I begged Jesus not to take me. He responded, Daughter, it is necessary for you to come and know this place. I cried, But why, Lord, why? And He said, â€Å"so that you can tell the truth to humanity; humanity perishes, its lost and few are entering My Kingdom. (Matt 7:14) In saying this, He would weep. His words strengthened and encouraged me, so I continued walking. We arrived at the end of a tunnel, when I looked down I saw an abyss covered in flames. The Lord said Daughter, I give this to you. It was a large binder with blank sheets of paper. Daughter, take this pencil so that you can write all that I will show you, what you will see and hear. You will write everything as you are observing it, as you will live it. I said, Lord, I will do it, but I am already seeing so much, Lord. I am seeing souls being tormented, and immense flames. 8 Maxima: Time was going by, and my daughter was still lying there. Lord, what is happening? Tears were coming out of her eyes, but when I wiped them away, they would just come again. I placed a mirror to her mouth to see if she was breathing, there was nothing. We checked her pulse, nothing. We placed a hand on her stomach, nothing. The servant of the Lord said, The place where she is, is not a place of smiles but a place of torment. Angelica: I told Jesus, I will testify that hell is real, that hell exists, but take me out of here now! And He replied, Daughter, we havent even entered that place, and I have shown you nothing yet, and already you want Me to take you out of this place? Lord, please take me out of here, I said. Then we started to descend into the abyss! I started to cry and scream, Lord, no, no, no, noI dont want to go! and He would reply, You need to see this. I saw horrible demons, of all types, both large and small. They were running so fast, and carrying something in their hands. Lord, why are they running like that and what are they carrying? He answered, â€Å"Daughter, they run that way because they know their time is running out, because time is so short to destroy humanity and especially My people. That which they carry in their hands are darts to destroy humanity, because each demon is given a name and according to the name that is given to them, they have a dart to destroy that person and bring them to this place; their goal is to destroy that person and bring them to hell. And I would see the demons running and exiting toward Earth and He told me. They are going to Earth to bring and throw humanity into this place. As He said this He would weep, He would weep so very much. He was weeping all the time and I would cry too. Maxima: My Daughter was dead for 23 hours, but I did not notify the authorities. I prayed, Lord, I will wait for 24 hours. If my daughter is not back in 24 hours, I will call a doctor. But, the Lord brought her back before 24 hours were up. Angelica: The Lord said to me, Are you ready to see what I am going to show you? Yes, Lord, I said. He took me to a cell where I could see a young man being tormented among the flames. I noticed that the cell was enumerated, though I couldnt understand the numbers, they seemed to be backward. There was a huge plaque in that cell, and the young man had the number 666 on his forehead. He also had a big metallic plate that was encrusted into his skin. The worms that were eating him, were unable to damage that plate; neither did the flames burn it. He screamed, Lord, have mercy on me. Take me out of this place. Forgive me, Lord! But Jesus would respond, Its late, too late: I gave you opportunities and you would not repent. 9 I asked Jesus, Lord, why is he here? Then I recognized him. On Earth, this young man knew the Word of God, but abruptly he walked away from the Lord, preferring alcohol, drugs and walking on the wrong path. He did not want to follow the way of the Lord. Jesus warned him many times on what could happen to him. Jesus said, Daughter, he is in this place because anyone who rejects My Word already has a judge: The Word that I have spoken will judge him in that last day, (John 12:48) and then Jesus wept. When the Lord weeps, its different than we do. He would weep with this pain in His heart and He would sob profoundly. I did not create hell for humanity, Jesus said. So I asked Him, Then why is humanity here, Lord? He answered, Daughter, I created hell for satan and his angels, who are the demons; (Matt. 25:41) but, because of sin and the lack of repentance, humanity ends here, and there are more that perish than those who reach My glory! He continued weeping and it would hurt me so much to see how He cried. Daughter, I gave My life for humanity, so that it would not perish, so that it would not end up in this place. I gave My life out of love and mercy, so that humanity would proceed to repentance and could enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus would moan as someone who could no longer withstand the pain, thats how much pain He felt watching the people here. Being with Jesus, made me feel safe. I thought, If I let go of the Lord, Ill be stuck here! I asked, Jesus, do I have relatives in this place. He looked at me as I was crying and He said, Daughter, I am with you, because I was so scared. He took me to another cell. I never could have imagined seeing a relative of mine in that cell. I saw this woman being tormented, she had worms that would eat her face off, and demons would plunge a type of spear into her body. She would scream, No, Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me, please, take me out of this place for one minute! (Luke 16:24) In Hell, people are tormented with the memories of what they did on Earth. Demons would mock people and tell them, Worship and praise because this is your kingdom! and the people would scream remembering that they knew God, because they knew the Word. Those who had known the Lord were tormented twofold. The Lord said, There is no other opportunity [for those here]; there is still opportunity for those who are alive. I asked Him, Lord, why is my great-grandmother here? I dont know if she ever knew you. Why is she here in hell, Lord? He replied, Daughter, she is here because she failed to forgive Daughter, he who does not forgive, neither will I forgive him. I asked, Lord, but You do forgive, and You are merciful. And He answered, Yes, Daughter, but it is necessary to forgive, because they have not forgiven many people, and that is why many people are in this place, because they failed to forgive Go and tell humanity that it is time to forgive, and especially My people, for many of My people have not forgiven. Tell them to rid 10 themselves of grudges, of resentment, of that hatred in their hearts, for it is time to forgive! If death were to surprise that person who has failed to forgive, that person may go to hell, for no one can purchase life. When we left that place, my great grandmother was engulfed in fire and she screamed, Aaaah, and began to blaspheme the name of God, she would curse Him; every person in hell blasphemes against God. As we left that area, I could see that hell was full of tormented souls. Many people would extend their hands out, begging Jesus to help them and take them out of there. But the Lord could not do anything for them and they would start blaspheming God. Then Jesus would weep and say, It hurts Me to hear them, it hurts Me to see what they do, because I can no longer do anything for them. What I will tell you is that I still have opportunity for he who is still on Earth, who has not yet died, who is still alive; he still has time to repent! The Lord told me there were many famous people in Hell, and also many people who had known about the Lord. He said, â€Å"I am going to show you another part of the furnace. We came to a place where a woman was surrounded by flames. She was in great torment and would scream, begging the Lord for mercy. Jesus pointed to her with his hand and told me, Daughter, that woman that you see over there, surrounded by flames, is Selena. As we started getting closer, she screamed, Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me Lord, take me out of this place! But the Lord looked at her and said, Its late, its too late. You cannot repent now. She saw me and said, Please, I beg you, go tell people about this, please speak out and do not be silent; go and tell them not to come to this place; go and tell them not to listen to my songs, nor sing my songs. (1 John 2:15) So I asked her, Why do you want me to go and say that? And she answered, Because every time people sing and listen to my songs, I am tormented even more, the person who does this, who sings and listens to my songs, is walking to this place. Please, go tell them not to come here; go tell them that hell is real! She would scream and demons would hurl spears from afar into her body and she would cry, Help me, Lord, have mercy on me, Lord! But sadly, the Lord told her, It is too late. I looked all over that area, it was full of singers and artists who have died. All they did was sing and sing, they wouldnt stop singing. The Lord explained, Daughter, the person who is here, must continue doing here, whatever they did on Earth, if they had not repented. As I was observing the area, I noticed a lot of demons that were spilling down some type of rain. I actually thought it was raining. But I noticed the people in flames running away from the rain and shouting, No, help me, Lord! No, this cant be, and the demons would laugh and tell the people, Praise and worship because this is your kingdom forever and ever! I saw the flames increase and peoples worms would multiply! There was no water there, it was brimstone that would 11 multiply the flames and increase each persons anguish. I asked Jesus, Whats happening? Lord, what is this? The Lord replied, This is the wages of anyone who has not repented. (Psalms 11:6) Then the Lord took me to place where there was a very well-known man. Before now, I used to live as a double minded young Christian girl. I used to think that any person that died would go to Heaven; that those who celebrated mass, would also go to heaven, but I was wrong. When Pope John Paul II died, my friends and relatives would tell me that he had gone to heaven. All the news on TV, on Extra and many other places would s ay, Pope John Paul II has died, may he rest in peace. He is now rejoicing with the Lord and his angels in heaven and I believed all of it. But I was only fooling myself, because I saw him in Hell, being tormented by flames. I looked at his face, it was John Paul II! The Lord said to me, Look, Daughter, that man that you see there, is Pope John Paul II. He is here in this place; he is being tormented because he did not repent. But I asked, Lord, why is he here? He used to preach at church. Jesus replied, Daughter, no fornicator, no idolater, no one who is greedy and no liar will inherit My Kingdom. (Eph 5:5) I replied, Yes, I know that is true, but I want to know why he is here, because he used to preach to multitudes of people! And Jesus responded, Yes, Daughter, he may have said many things, but he would never speak the truth as it is. He never said the truth and they know the truth and although he knew the truth, he preferred money over preaching about salvation. He would not offer reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter, now he is here in this place. When I looked at this ma n, he had a large serpent with needles, wrapped around his throat, and he would try to take it off. I pleaded with Jesus, Lord, help him! The man would scream, Help me, Lord; have mercy on me; take me out of this place; forgive me! I repent, Lord; I want to return to Earth, I want to go back to Earth to repent. The Lord observed him and said to him, You very well knew. You knew very well that this place was real Its too late; there is no other opportunity for you. The Lord said, Look, Daughter, I am going to show you the life of this man. Jesus showed me a huge screen on which I could observe how this man offered mass many times to the multitudes. And how the people who were there were so idolatrous. Jesus said, Look, Daughter, there are many idolaters in this place. Idolatry will not save, Daughter. I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me, no one saves. I love the sinner, but I hate sin, Daughter. Go and tell humanity that I love them and that they need to come to Me. As the Lord was speaking, I began to see how this man received multitudes of coins and bills; money, all of which he would keep. He had so much money. I saw images of this man seated on a throne, but I was also able to see beyond that. While its true that these people do not get married, I can assure you, Im not making this up, the Lord showed it to me, those people do sleep with nuns; with many women there! 2 The Lord showed me these people living in fornication, and the Word says that no fornicator will inherit His Kingdom. As I was watching all of this, the Lord told me, Look Daughter, all of this which I am showing you is what goes on, what he lived and what keeps on happening among many people, among many priests and popes existing. Then he told me, Daughter, go and tell humanity that its time to turn to Me. The Lord showed me a place where many people were walking to hell. I asked Him, Lord, how is it that they walk to this place? He replied, I will show you. He showed me a tunnel with many people walking through it. These people were chained from hand to foot. They were dressed in black and carrying a load on their back. Jesus said, Look Daughter, those people that you see there, those people dont know Me yet. That which they carry on their backs is sin, but go and tell them to turn their burden over to Me, and I will give them rest; that I am He who forgives all their sins Daughter, go and tell those people to come to Me, for I await them with open arms, and go tell them that they are walking to this place. As I was watching the people walking, I said, Lord, that person over there is my cousin; that young man is my cousin, Lord, and that young girl coming down is also my cousin; my family is coming to this place! He replied, Daughter, they are walking to this place, but go and them where they are walking, go and tell them they are walking to hell. Go and tell them that I have chosen you as My watchman I have chosen you as My watchman, for it means that you are to tell the truth. You must go and tell all that I have shown you. If you do not speak out and something happens to that person, his blood will be poured over you, but if you go and do as I have told you, then that person has an account with Me. If the person does not repent, then the responsibility resting upon you will be lifted, for the account will rest upon that person and his blood will not be poured over you. (Ezekiel 3:18) Jesus told me that many famous people were walking to that place, famous and important people. Take for example, Michael Jackson. This man was famous all over the world but he was a satanist. Although many people may not see it that way, but it is the truth. This man had satanic covenants: He came to agreement with the devil in order to achieve fame and attract many fans. Those steps that he performed, thats the way I saw demons walk while tormenting people in hell. They would slide backward and not move forward, while they shout; enjoying the anguish they impose upon the people. Let me tell you that Michael Jackson is in hell. The Lord showed him to me after Michael died. He let me see Michael Jackson tormented in flames. I cried to Jesus, Why? It wasnt easy to see how this man was being tormented and how he would scream. Anyone who listens to Michael Jacksons songs or sings them or who is a fan of Michael Jackson, I warn you that satan is trapping you in his web so that you will end up in hell. Right now, renounce it in the name of Jesus! Jesus wants to set you free, so that you will not be lost. 13 The Lord said, Daughter, there are also people who know Me, that are walking to this place. I asked, Lord, how can people who know You also come here? He replied, That person who has left My ways and that person who is living a double life. He started showing me people who were walking to Hell. They were tied from their hands to their feet. They each wore a white garment, but it was torn, stained and wrinkled. Jesus said, Daughter, see how My people have walked away from Me. Daughter, I want to tell you that I am not coming for these people. I am coming for a holy people, ready, without blemish, without wrinkle and without defilement Go and tell them to return to the old paths. (Eph. 5:26-27) I started to see many of my uncles and many other people who had walked away from the Lords ways. Go and tell them that I am waiting for them, to surrender their loads to Me, and I will give them rest. Jesus was weeping, Daughter, they are coming this way. Go and tell your uncles; go and tell your relatives that they are coming this way! Daughter, many will not believe you, but I am your faithful witness, I am your faithful witness. I will never leave you. Even if they do not believe you, Daughter, go and tell them the truth, for I am with you. I will also show you, Daughter, how peopl e arrive at this place. We went to a tunnel where there were a multitude of people falling into the abyss. Not 1 thousand, not 2 thousand, but as many as the sand of the sea, countless. They were falling by the second, like handfuls of sand being thrown down. The souls were falling rapidly. Jesus was weeping, He said, Daughter, this is how humanity perishes; this is how it is lost! Daughter, it hurts Me to see how humanity perishes. Jesus said, Demons also hold meetings in this place. And I said, Demons hold meetings? Jesus said, Yes, Daughter, they meet to plan, to plan what they will do to humanity. They hold daily secret meetings. And with that, Jesus took me to a cell, where I saw a wooden table with chairs around it. And there were demons – all types of demons. Jesus explained, Daughter, they are now planning to go and destroy the pastors’ families, the missionaries, the evangelists and all of those who know Me. Daughter, they want to destroy them; they have many darts. The demons would laugh and mock and say, Lets destroy humanity and bring it to this place. Jesus said, Go and tell them that I am with them. Tell them to not leave open doors, to leave no place to satan, for satan walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1st Peter 5:8) But the Word says, he walks as, because the only real Lion, is the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Revelations 5:5)! Jesus said, Daughter, they especially want to destroy the pastors’ family. I asked, Why do they want to destroy the pastors family? And Jesus responded, Because they are in charge of thousands of people that are the sheep of the fold; the sheep of the fold that the Lord has given them. They want these people to return to the world again; to look back and end up in hell Go and tell the pastors to speak the truth. Go and tell them to preach the truth and to speak everything that I tell them and to never keep to themselves what I tell them! 14 As we left that place and He told me, I want to show you something else There are also children in this place. And I replied, â€Å"Children in this place, Lord? Why are there children here? Your Word says, let the children to come unto Me, and do not stop them: for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14) Jesus replied, Daughter, its true, of such is the kingdom of Heaven, but that child must come to Me, for he who comes to Me I will not throw out. (John 6:37) Instantly, the Lord showed me an eight year old boy being tormented in fire. The boy cried, Lord have mercy of me, take me out of this place, I dont want to be here! He kept crying and screaming. I saw demons around this boy, that resembled cartoon figures. There was Dragon, BoyZ, Ben 10, Pokemon, Doral, etc. Lord, why is this boy here? Jesus showed me a large screen of this boys life. I saw how he would spend all of his time in front of the TV, watching these cartoons. Jesus said, Daughter, these animated cartoons, those movies, those soap operas that are seen daily on TV are satans instruments to destroy humanity†¦Look, Daughter how this came to be. I saw how the boy was rebellious and disobedient toward his parents. When his parents talked to him, he would run away, throwing things and disobeying them. After this happened, a car ran over him and ended his life. Jesus told me, Ever since then, he has been in this place. I looked at the boy as he was being tormented. Jesus said, Daughter, go and tell parents to instruct their child as is written in M y Word. (Proverbs 22:6) The Word of God is real, it tells us to correct a child with the rod, but not every moment, only when the child has been disobedient to his parents. Proverbs 22:15) The Lord told me something that is very sad and very painful. He said, Daughter, there are many children in this place because of animated cartoons, because of rebellion. I asked Him, Lord, why are animated cartoons to blame for this? And He explained, Because they are demons that carry rebellion, disobedience, bitterness and hatred to children; and other demons enter these children, so that they do not do good things, but do that which is bad: whatever children see on TV, they want to do in reality. Hell exists, hell is real, and even children must decide with whom they will go. I said, â€Å"Lord, tell me, why are there children in this place? And Jesus answered, Once children have knowledge that there is a heaven and a hell, then they have a place to choose. 15 The Kingdom of Heaven Theres much more to be said about hell, but now Ill share what I saw in Heaven. Jesus said, Daughter, now I am going to show you what I have prepared for My Holy people. We left that place, going out through a tunnel. While traveling through this tunnel, we suddenly came out to where there was light. I saw no more darkness, torment or flames. He said, Daughter, I am going to show you My glory,† and we started ascending to the Kingdom of Heaven! Soon we arrived at a door with giant letters written in gold, it said: Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said, Daughter, go in, for I am the Door and he who enters through Me, will enter, will go and will find pastures. (John 10:9) After the Lord said these words, the door opened and we entered. I saw angels giving glory, honor and praise to our Heavenly Father! (Revelations 7:11-12) As we continued walking, we approached a table of which I could see the beginning, but not the end. Revelations 19:9) I observed a large throne, and a smaller throne surrounded by thousands of chairs. Between the chairs were garments along with crowns. The Lord told me, Daughter, the crown that you see there is the crown of life. (Revelations 2:10) Jesus said, Look, Daughter, this is what I have prepared for My people. I saw that the table was covered with a white tablecloth with gold ed ging. There were plates, gold goblets, fruit; everything was served. It was so beautiful. There was a very large vessel in the middle of the table, which contained the wine for the dinner. And Jesus said, Daughter, everything is ready for the arrival of My church. We went to another place, where I saw many people in a garden. There were well known people from the Bible, but they were not aged, but young. There was this young man with a large kerchief in his hand who danced and whirled around and praised the Lord. Jesus said, Daughter that young man that you see there is My servant, David. He was giving glory to our Father. Suddenly, another young man passes by and Jesus told me, Daughter, he is Joshua; he is Moses; this other young man is Abraham. Jesus would call them out by their names. They all had the same countenance! Jesus said, Daughter, that woman that you see there is My servant, Mary Magdalene; My servant, Sara. But then He told me, Daughter, she is Mary. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, Who I am. Daughter, I want to tell you that she has no knowledge of the things happening on Earth. I 16 want to tell you that you must go and tell humanity, tell idol worshippers that hell is real, and that idolaters will not inherit My kingdom, but go and tell them that if they repent, they can enter My heavenly dwelling place. Go tell them that I love them and tell them that Mary has no knowledge of anything [happening on Earth] and the only One that they must exalt is Me, because neither Mary, nor St. Gregory nor any other saint can offer salvation. I am the only One who saves and outside of Me – nobody, nobody, nobody- saves! He repeated it three times that nobody could save; only He saves. Humanity has been deceived believing in an assumed saint, which is not, but is a demon, working through an idol made by the hand of man. But, let me tell you that the Lord wants to give you the best. He wants you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to repent and to leave idolatry. Because idolatry will not save you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the one that saves, who gave His life for you, for me and for all humanity. The Lord has a great message for humanity. As He wept, He told me, Please, Daughter, do not be silent; go and tell the truth, go and tell what I have shown you. I saw how Mary worshipped the Lord, and I saw women with very beautiful long hair. I said, Lord, how pretty the way they wear their hair. He told me, Daughter, that which you see is the veil that I have given to a woman. He added, Daughter, go and tell women to take care of the veil that I have given them. Then He told me, I have something to show you that is very important. I looked far away and saw a shining city, a city of gold! I said, Lord, what is that? I want to go over there. He answered, â€Å"Daughter, I will show you what is over there. What you are seeing is the heavenly dwelling, the heavenly mansions which are ready for My people. We started walking, until we reached a golden bridge. As we walked over it, we came upon streets that were made of pure gold! Revelations 21:21) Everything was so beautiful, so brilliant, like shining glass, it was absolutely supernatural, inexplicable! We saw heavenly mansions, and watched thousands of angels constructing them. Some of the angels constructed very rapidly, others constructed slowly and others were not constructing at all. I asked the Lord, Why are some angels constructing rapidly, while others are slower, and some have those stopped constructing? The Lord explained, Daughter, that is how My people work on Earth, and the angels work as My children work on Earth. Daughter, My people no longer spread the gospel. My people no longer fast. My people no longer go to the streets to distribute tracts telling the truth. My people are now ashamed. Go and tell My People to return to the old paths. Those angels that you saw that were doing nothing belong to those 17 people that have walked away from My paths Daughter, go and tell My people to return to the old paths,(Jeremiah 6:16) and in saying this He started to weep. I heard other people singing, so I asked Him, Lord, I want You to take me over there, where those people are singing. Jesus was observing me, I could tell how He was observing me, but I couldnt see His face, only the movements of His face. While His tears were pouring over His garment, I asked Him why He was weeping. But He would not explain it to me. Later we arrived at this beautiful garden. There, among the heavenly mansions, I saw flowers that were swaying. That must have been the singing I heard. The Lord pointed with His finger an d said, Daughter, look, they praise Me; they worship Me! My people no longer do as they did before. My people no longer praise, no longer worship Me; no longer seek Me as before. That is why I told you, Daughter, to go and tell My people to seek Me, for I will go, I will go, I will go for a people that seeks Me in spirit and in truth, for a people that are ready, for a holy people! And weeping He said, â€Å"I am coming, I am coming! Then I understand why He was weeping, because He is coming, but not for those that are half- hearted. He will return only for a people that is seeking Him in spirit and in truth. Then the Lord told me that I had to return to Earth. I said, Lord, I dont want to go back to Earth! What do you mean – Earth? I want to stay with You. You brought me here and Im not going anywhere because I am with You! Jesus said, Daughter, it is necessary that you return to Earth to go and testify that My glory is real, that what I am going to show you is real; that what you have seen is real, so that humanity will come to Me, repent and not perish. Weeping, I fell to His feet; there I saw wounds on His feet. I asked, Lord, what are these wounds here? He answered, Daughter, its the scar from that yester day, when I gave My life for humanity. He also showed me the scars in his hands, I asked, Lord, why do you still have that? He told me, Daughter, it is the scar that has remained. So I asked, Will this go away? He replied, Daughter, this will go away when all the saints are reunited here Daughter, I must take you to Earth: Your family and the nations are waiting for you. I tried to refuse but He pointed down to Earth with His finger and said, Look, those people that you see down there are your relatives; that body that you see there, is where you have to return It is time to leave this place. Then He took me along a beautiful crystal clear river and said Daughter, enter the river and submerge yourself. Before I entered that crystalline river of living water, I was experiencing indescribable joy, but after I submerged myself and came out, I was elated. I thought I would not have to return home, but the Lord told me, Daughter, you have to return to Earth†¦Daughter, I am going to show you something: How I am coming to Earth for a holy people. I am going to show you how the day of the Rapture will be. 18 Rapture and Tribulation We walked to a place with a giant screen, and I saw people in it. I could observe the whole world. Then suddenly I saw thousands of people disappearing. Pregnant women had their pregnancy disappear, and they looked like they had gone crazy screaming. Children had disappeared from all over. Many people were running from here to there, screaming, This cant be, this cant be! Whats happening? I saw those who had known the Lord, but were left behind. (Matt 24:40-41) They were saying that Christ had come, the Rapture happened. They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but they couldnt. The Lord told me, Daughter, in those days, death will flee; Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth. (Revelations 9:6) There were accidents but I didnt see a single dead person: all of them were alive, although injured. I observed enormous traffic with thousands of people. He told me, Daughter, look, this is how everything will happen. I then saw people running from one place to another, shouting, Christ came, Christ came! They would plead, Lord, forgive me, forgive me, take me with You! But sadly the Lord said, It will be t oo late. The time to repent is now†¦Daughter, go tell humanity to seek Me, for during that time there will no longer be opportunity. (Isaiah 55:6) Daughter, it will be too late for all those that stay behind. When Jesus observed how people were left behind, He began to weep and said, Daughter, I will go to Earth as it says in 1 Thes. 4: 16-17 : â€Å"For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. † But not everyone will go with the Lord, only those who are doing His will (Matthew 7:21) and living a holy life. For the Lord told me, Only those that are holy will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, (Hebrews 12:14) No one knows, neither the day nor the hour in which I will go for My holy people, not even the angels know it. (Matthew 24:36) On the screen I saw people running around. Magazines and TV news said that â€Å"CHRIST HAD COME. † The screen closed, and Jesus finished by saying, I will go for a holy people. This was all He showed me. After that, He brought me back here to Earth. 19 With angels gathered round, we began to descend these beautiful stairs; white steps with flowers surrounding them. I was crying all the way down, pleading with Jesus, Lord, please, dont leave me here. Take me with You! He responded, Daughter, the nations, your family are waiting for you Daughter, you must enter that body. You must receive life, Daughter, so you can go and testify what you have seen. Many will not believe you; many will believe you, but I am your faithful witness. I am with you. I will never leave you. Return to Earth Maxima: When my daughter came back, we were waiting there, and she was stretched out on the floor. She went, uuhmm, nothing else. I aid, Thank You, Lord, because my daughter is back! We all gave thanks to the Lord. Soon she started breathing slowly, little by little. After about five hours, she was able to open her eyes and talk. At first we could hardly understand what she was saying; it just wasnt clear. She had no strength. We needed to keep the windows covered, because her eyes couldnt handle the light. Being curious, we all wanted her to tell us what she saw. But because she was so weak, she could only tell us a little. It was 2 weeks until she was able to share her full testimony. Demons came to torment her after all this. She could see them clearly; they would try to hide themselves in the shadows. They were here within three days of her return, before she could really talk. She asked them what they wanted and they replied, We have come to make a pact with you You must shut up. You must not say anything of what you saw down there, because if you speak, we will kill you. She described the demons as ugly, large and fat, ugly. She said there were no words to describe how horrible they looked. She would rebuke them, but they would not leave. When they came they would jump on her and try to choke her. She would fight back rebuking them, but she had no strength. One time when she rebuked them, a tremendous light appeared and then they fled! It was the Lord. What my daughter went through was not easy. She was given a profound message to all humanity, to seek God. But humanity thinks that what it is doing is alright. Youth that are into drugs and alcohol, they think thats OK, but its not. One of the greatest experiences that my daughter had was when she saw many entertainers in hell, including dancers, and also Pope John Paul II. Its time to seek the Lord, to repent and to humble oneself before Him. The Word of God is true when it says, Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. (Mark 13:31) The Word of the Lord will be fulfilled in its due time. The Lord also showed her a tunnel, 20 where people were walking to hell. Many people are already in hell. Its real! But even the Lords people dont believe this, many just dont believe. The main message was that we should seek the Lord, not just from our lips, but from the deepest part of our heart, for the Lords coming is at hand. Jesus said , I am no longer at the door; I am beyond the door. I will come soon; My coming is near. My people have left Me and gone back to worldly things Tell My people to return to the old paths. The church today must go back to the old paths; that it is where we are in the fire, seeking the Lord. When the trumpet sounds we must be ready to meet the Lord, and it will be wonderful! The Lords Urgent Message Angelica, speaking before an audience: The Lord told me, Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth. In those days, He will no longer be on Earth. (2 Thes. 2:7) And I saw enormous traffic, with accidents. Many people wanted to kill themselves, but Jesus said, They shall seek death, but death shall flee from humanity. Death will no longer be during that time. (Revelations 9:6) I saw people watching TV and magazines that read, Thousands and Thousands have Disappeared. Many already knew that Christ had come for His holy people. Those who knew the Lord, but were left behind, went crying through the streets, wanting to kill themselves, but they could not do anything. While in Heaven, Jesus said, I will come for a holy people and I will come soon for My church. But two weeks ago the Lord told me, Daughter, I take pleasure in what you are doing, that you are fulfilling what I have given you, but do not tell My People that I am coming soon. Tell My People that I am coming right away. Again the Lord said, Tell My people that I am coming right away and that I am coming for a holy people. Tell My People that only the holy ones, only the holy ones will see Me! And do not be silent: Keep on declaring what I have told you. 21 Angelica praying with the audience: Everybody, close your eyes, and place your right hand over your heart. Raise your left hand and if you feel like crying, then cry. Now tell the Lord what you feel in your heart. For those who want to accept the Lord, repeat after me. Lord, I thank You for Your love and Your mercy, thank You, Lord, for the word that has reached my heart today. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness. Forgive me. Wash me with Your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life. Accept me as Your child, Lord. Right now, I forgive anyone that I had not been able to forgive. I renounce to my lack of forgiveness. I renounce all things that have hindered Your flow, and I ask You to transform me and to fill me with Your presence every day. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the Name of Jesus, Amen. Angelica: This testimony is not a lie; its not a joke; it is not a story; it is not a dream, hell is real! Hell exists! To anyone that does not believe, I want to tell you that hell is real, very real. I cannot find words to tell you how real it is. I wish that you could experience it yourself. Angelica, speaking with Narrator: The time is soon, God allows signs to reveal to humanity what is about to happen. Do not remain condemned; thats what the devil wants. Ask yourself if you are already walking through hells tunnel? Today is the day of salvation, today is the day to invite Jesus, your Savior into your life. These are simple and yet great words to say: I accept You, Jesus as my Lord and my only Savior. I give You my life and soul with all my heart. I want to be with You for eternity. † Choose your final destiny: Life or death, heaven or hell, Jesus or the devil. Its clear, either you belong to Jesus or to the devil. Either you do what is right or you do what is wrong. You choose your destiny: eternal life or the lake of fire. Think about it. Decide now. Jesus Christ died on the cross for each one of us, for our sins, and He gave us the opportunity of salvation by His mercy. Accept Christ as your only Savior! Now that youve heard this testimony, dont let this moment be the one you regret forever in hell. † 22 Reference Rev. 19:9 Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! These are the true words of God. Rev. 20:15 If anyones name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Rev. 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Rev. 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. Rev. 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liarstheir place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. â€Å"No idolaters† will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Ex. 20:3-5 You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God Rev. 21:21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass. Rev. 21:27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lambs book of life. Rev. 22:7 Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book. Rev. 22:11 Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy. Rev. 22:12 Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. Rev. 22:13-15 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (The video documentary was produced by the ministry: â€Å"El Sueno de Dios† together with â€Å"Godfilms†) This video was originally in Spanish. Transcribed into English from Video (Thanks to Sandra) This testimony has been edited minimally abridged. Most Illustrations were not part of the original testimony. 23